Cloudy is a Wonder Horse!
He is big and strong.
He is very smart.
He has the sweetest face and kind eyes.
Cloudy has many friends.
His friends are all different from him.
He likes it that way.​
Lexy's Story
I'm a Northern California writer who grew up in the rural midwest. I have always been inspired by how and what animals teach us as they enrich our lives.
I created this children's book (appropriate from the womb to the young at heart) to celebrate differences and inclusion of all living things.
What makes this book special?
24 original paintings by accomplished artist Kimberly Ingraham Valentin.

In The Press
Our first "Cloudy" event and Book Release Signing with Lexy Jordan, author and Kim Valentin, artist was held in November 2019
at Galway Downs, Temecula, CA
Event Dates:
Feb. 5, 2020, Alexander Valley School, Healdsburg, CA
March 3, 2020, West Side School,
Healdsburg CA
March 10, 2020, Sonoma County Office
of Education, Santa Rosa, CA
Stay tuned for further book signings

Meet Cloudy's 3rd Friend!
Cloudy’s third friend is Dahlia. Dahlia is a miniature donkey. Her ears are longer than her legs and she is wider than she is tall.
She is so short she can walk under Cloudy and tickle his belly with
her ears.
Cloudy doesn’t mind that Dahlia is so short. He likes her that way.

Lexy Jordan is available for personal appearances and book signings.
Please contact Lexy at
The author, Lexy Jordan, with a new friend.
Giving Back
For every 10 "Cloudy" books sold,
one will be donated,
and 25% of all
profits will be donated
to Animal Rescue

Donated Books
Alexander School
Riders United USA
Westside Road
Healdsburg Library
Live Oak Pre School
The Healdsburg School
Christian Duck Learning Pond
Healdsburg Elementary Fitch Mtn
Healdsburg Elementary 2nd St.
Maria Carrillo Elementary
Geyserville Elementary
Hidden Valley Elementary
Illini Central Grade School
New Central Elementary